Last UPDATE OF PRICES: 08.09.2024 05:23:01
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Investment Packages

Category Investment Packages includes subcategories: Investment Gold , Investment Silver

Page: 1

Philharmoniker 1/25 Oz - Gold Coin - 20 pcs
Philharmoniker 1/25 Oz - Gold Coin - 20 pcs

Producer: Münze Österreich (Austria)
Weight: 24,8 g
Fineness: 999,9
Dimensions: Ø 13 mm
Denomination: 4EUR
Availability: In Stock

2 466,55 €
Price incl. VAT
(64 130 CZK)
x pc

Philharmoniker 1 Oz - Gold Coin - 10 pcs
Philharmoniker 1 Oz - Gold Coin - 10 pcs

Producer: Münze Österreich (Austria)
Weight: 311g
Fineness: 999,9
Dimensions: 37 x 2 mm
Denomination: 100EUR
Availability: In Stock

23 476,77 €
Price incl. VAT
(610 396 CZK)
x pc

Britannia 1 Oz - Gold Coin - 10pcs
Britannia 1 Oz - Gold Coin - 10pcs

Producer: The Royal Mint Ltd. UK (United Kingdom)
Weight: 311g
Fineness: 999,9
Dimensions: Ø 32,69 mm
Denomination: 100GBP
Availability: in stock limited

Toto zboží je na akci
23 476,77 €
Price incl. VAT
(610 396 CZK)
x pc

Kangaroo 1 Oz - Gold Coin - 10 pcs
Kangaroo 1 Oz - Gold Coin - 10 pcs

Producer: Perth Mint (Australia)
Weight: 311g
Fineness: 999,9
Dimensions: 32,6 x 2,8 mm
Denomination: 100AUD
Availability: in stock limited

23 461,22 €
Price incl. VAT
(609 992 CZK)
x pc

Maple Leaf 1 Oz - Gold Coin - 10 pcs
Maple Leaf 1 Oz - Gold Coin - 10 pcs

Producer: Royal Canadian Mint (Canada)
Weight: 311g
Fineness: 999,9
Dimensions: 30 x 2,87 mm
Denomination: 50CAD
Availability: 5 - 10 Days

23 566,67 €
Price incl. VAT
(612 733 CZK)
x pc

CombiBar 50 x 1g - Gold Bar  - 5 pcs
CombiBar 50 x 1g - Gold Bar - 5 pcs

Producer: ESG/Heimerle+Meule/Valcambi SA (Germany/Switzerland)
Weight: 250g
Fineness: 999,9
Dimensions: 74 x 52 x 0,8 mm

Availability: In Stock

Toto zboží je na akci
19 617,65 €
Price incl. VAT
(510 059 CZK)
x pc

Arche Noah 1/4 Oz - Silver Coin - 20ks
Arche Noah 1/4 Oz - Silver Coin - 20ks

Producer: Leipziger GmbH (Germany)
Weight: 155,5g
Fineness: 999
Dimensions: Ø 20,2 mm
Denomination: 100Dram
Availability: in stock limited

226,80 €
Price incl. VAT
(5 897 CZK)
x pc

Arche Noah 1/4 Oz - Silver Coin - 500ks
Arche Noah 1/4 Oz - Silver Coin - 500ks

Producer: Leipziger GmbH (Germany)
Weight: 3887,5g
Fineness: 999
Dimensions: Ø 20,2 mm
Denomination: 100Dram
Availability: in stock limited

5 291,92 €
Price incl. VAT
(137 590 CZK)
x pc

Britannia 1/4 Oz - Silver Coin - 19 pcs
Britannia 1/4 Oz - Silver Coin - 19 pcs

Producer: The Royal Mint Ltd. UK (United Kingdom)
Weight: 147,725g
Fineness: 999
Dimensions: Ø 22 mm
Denomination: 50 Pence
Availability: In Stock

Toto zboží je na akci
215,46 €
Price incl. VAT
(5 602 CZK)
x pc

Britannia 1/4 Oz - Silver Coin - 380 pcs
Britannia 1/4 Oz - Silver Coin - 380 pcs

Producer: The Royal Mint Ltd. UK (United Kingdom)
Weight: 2954,5g
Fineness: 999
Dimensions: Ø 22 mm
Denomination: 50 Pence
Availability: in stock limited

Toto zboží je na akci
3 878,22 €
Price incl. VAT
(100 834 CZK)
x pc

Britannia 1 Oz - Silver Coin - 25 pcs
Britannia 1 Oz - Silver Coin - 25 pcs

Producer: The Royal Mint Ltd. UK (United Kingdom)
Weight: 777,5g
Fineness: 999
Dimensions: Ø 38,6 mm
Denomination: 2GBP
Availability: In Stock

909,33 €
Price incl. VAT
(23 643 CZK)
x pc

Britannia 1 Oz - Silver Coin - 100 ks
Britannia 1 Oz - Silver Coin - 100 ks

Producer: The Royal Mint Ltd. UK (United Kingdom)
Weight: 3,11kg
Fineness: 999
Dimensions: Ø 38,6 mm
Denomination: 2GBP
Availability: In Stock

3 569,32 €
Price incl. VAT
(92 802 CZK)
x pc

Kangaroo 1 Oz - Silver Coin - 25 pcs
Kangaroo 1 Oz - Silver Coin - 25 pcs

Producer: Perth Mint (Australia)
Weight: 777,5g
Fineness: 999,9
Dimensions: Ø 40,6 mm
Denomination: 1AUD
Availability: In Stock

900,26 €
Price incl. VAT
(23 407 CZK)
x pc

Kangaroo 1 Oz - Silver Coin - 100 pcs
Kangaroo 1 Oz - Silver Coin - 100 pcs

Producer: Perth Mint (Australia)
Weight: 3,11kg
Fineness: 999,9
Dimensions: Ø 40,6 mm
Denomination: 1AUD
Availability: In Stock

3 539,08 €
Price incl. VAT
(92 016 CZK)
x pc

Maple Leaf 1 Oz - Silver Coin - 25 pcs
Maple Leaf 1 Oz - Silver Coin - 25 pcs

Producer: Royal Canadian Mint (Canada)
Weight: 777,5g
Fineness: 999,9
Dimensions: 38 x 3,15 mm
Denomination: 5CAD
Availability: In Stock

1 034,83 €
Price incl. VAT
(26 906 CZK)
x pc

Maple Leaf 1 Oz - Silver Coin - 100 pcs
Maple Leaf 1 Oz - Silver Coin - 100 pcs

Producer: Royal Canadian Mint (Canada)
Weight: 3,11kg
Fineness: 999,9
Dimensions: 38 x 3,15 mm
Denomination: 5CAD
Availability: In Stock

4 068,28 €
Price incl. VAT
(105 775 CZK)
x pc

Philharmoniker 1 Oz - Silver Coin - 20 pcs
Philharmoniker 1 Oz - Silver Coin - 20 pcs

Producer: Münze Österreich (Austria)
Weight: 622g
Fineness: 999
Dimensions: 37 x 3 mm
Denomination: 1,5EUR
Availability: In Stock

720,21 €
Price incl. VAT
(18 725 CZK)
x pc

Philharmoniker 1 Oz - Silver Coin - 100 pcs
Philharmoniker 1 Oz - Silver Coin - 100 pcs

Producer: Münze Österreich (Austria)
Weight: 3,11kg
Fineness: 999
Dimensions: 37 x 3 mm
Denomination: 1,5EUR
Availability: In Stock

3 539,08 €
Price incl. VAT
(92 016 CZK)
x pc

Philharmoniker 1 Oz - Silver Coin - 500 pcs
Philharmoniker 1 Oz - Silver Coin - 500 pcs

Producer: Münze Österreich (Austria)
Weight: 15,55kg
Fineness: 999
Dimensions: 37 x 3 mm
Denomination: 1,5EUR
Availability: in stock limited

17 599,41 €
Price incl. VAT
(457 585 CZK)
x pc

Arche Noah 1 Oz - Silver Coin - 20 pcs
Arche Noah 1 Oz - Silver Coin - 20 pcs

Producer: Leipziger GmbH (Germany)
Weight: 622g
Fineness: 999
Dimensions: Ø 38,5 mm
Denomination: 500Dram
Availability: In Stock

732,30 €
Price incl. VAT
(19 040 CZK)
x pc

Arche Noah 1 Oz - Silver Coin - 100 pcs
Arche Noah 1 Oz - Silver Coin - 100 pcs

Producer: Leipziger GmbH (Germany)
Weight: 3,11kg
Fineness: 999
Dimensions: Ø 38,5 mm
Denomination: 500Dram
Availability: In Stock

3 581,42 €
Price incl. VAT
(93 117 CZK)
x pc

CombiBar 100 x 1g - Silver Bar - 10 pcs
CombiBar 100 x 1g - Silver Bar - 10 pcs

Producer: ESG/Heimerle+Meule/Valcambi SA (Germany/Switzerland)
Weight: 1000g
Fineness: 999
Dimensions: 105 x 74 x 1,5 mm

Availability: In Stock

2 098,61 €
Price incl. VAT
(54 564 CZK)
x pc

Page: 1

08.09.2024 05:23:01
immediate fixation at the current price
fixation takes place 24/7
delivery of the goods the next day after sending
personal collection in Bratislava and Trenčín
prices on our site are updated every minute, are final and valid at the time of the order
for regular customers, however, we are also available outside working hours, including weekends and holidays
products labeled "In stock" we generally shipped on the day of the payment to the bank account, other goods are shipped during 3-7 working days
packages are sent in a special security cover and insured for the full value of the goods
office Bratislava - Seberíniho 9, office Trenčín - Legionárska 2



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